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Airplane Mockup Standing Set Cockpit 727 Full Instruments Pre-Lit LED On Instrument Panels

Airplane Mockup Standing Set Cockpit 727 Full Instruments Pre-Lit LED On Instrument Panels

Airplane Mockup Standing Set Cockpit 727 Full Instruments Pre-Lit LED On Instrument Panels

Airplane Mockup Standing Set Cockpit 727 Full Instruments Pre-Lit LED On Instrument Panels

Airplane Mockup Standing Set Cockpit 727 Full Instruments Pre-Lit LED On Instrument Panels

Airplane Mockup Standing Set Cockpit 727 Full Instruments Pre-Lit LED On Instrument Panels

727 Cockpit CP-27
This 727 (complete interior) Standing Airplane Cockpit Set comes with a fully dressed (Pre-lit with LEDs for instruments) and equipped with 3 seats for pilot, co-pilot and navigator. Gaffer Note: 1-Stinger to activate Cockpit panel LED lighting.
727 Cockpit CP-27 Fact Sheet
Color: Grey
INT Color: Grey
Floors: Carpet Med Grey
Ceilings: Yes
Cockpit Heights: 7'
Cockpit Length: 12'
Cabin Width: 11'
-3 Seats: Pilot, Co-Pilot and Navigator
-Full Instruments
-Cockpit door
1. The 727 Cockpit was flown to Silver Dream Factory and then disassembled. Anaheim PD cited Silver Factory a $48 ticket for parking on the red zone before we could get the Cockpit in the stage! FAA was not happy either :(
2. Captain Chesley Sullenberger III "Sully" wanted to test fly our Cockpit by landing it into the Santa Ana River. We graciously declined, but were honored.
3. Howard Hughes considered our Cockpit his most stunning acheivement in avaiation history!